Thursday, July 11, 2013


TuneCore is all about music promotion and getting your music heard and available to buy.
The best thing of TuneCore is you don't have to give up money from each and every sale of your music.
You don't have to give up your rights and the ownership of your own music to some other company just to gain access to music stores.

TuneCore knows your music made the money, you ought to keep whatever it earns. They won't try to cash in on your success. It's an honest philosophy of TuneCore: "we'll get your music out to the world, get you the best materials to promote it and keep the cost low enough to make it really happen. The rest is up to you." TuneCore will never demand a percentage.

Already, TuneCore has forged direct agreements with digital distribution companies around the world. These agreements allow the artists using TuneCore to be paid as much money, if not more, than other bands such as Radiohead, Madonna, Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Eminem, etc., that are signed to major record or independent record labels.

Unlike other music selling sites, you can't sell your album or single for free.

Music distribution prices are a little bit high.
The price list is shown below.
But in return:

    You can keep all your rights
    You will get 100% of your music sales
    Weekly iTunes Trend Reports
    Monthly Music Sales Reports
    Custom cover art, if needed
    Free Media Player

Good thing about digital music distribution with TuneCore is you don't need to find where to promote your songs. It's really annoying to share your album or single through social media unless you have a manager.
They got everything you need to promote your songs, such as iTune, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play and many more.

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Universal's award-winning audio engineers will master your song for $75! Cool! Isn't it?

So I'll say, TuneCore is one of the most trusted and reliable music distribution site.
What are you waiting for? Go make your free TuneCore account now.
Non-referral link
My referral link

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